We are here to help. If you have a question please feel free to call or text the office during business hours at 734-759-7795. Here are a few frequently asked questions meant to save you some time!
What residential services do you offer?
We excel in special projects such as sod installation, decorative retaining walls, tree/bush trimming and removal, and many more! We do not offer weekly lawn maintenance or residential snow services.
What commercial services do you offer?
We offer weekly lawn maintenance as well as per-push snow removal. We can also take on any special projects and clean-ups!
Can you give me a price without an estimate appointment?
Almost all services require an in-person estimate. On rare occasions, we may provide a "ballpark" estimation based on a photo or measurements (such as tree removal or a paver patio). Any amounts quoted by phone or text are subject to change.
Do you currently have any job opportunities available?
If you are interested in any part-time, seasonal positions with R&B Landscaping, please give us a call.